Genesis Housing Services offers the following:

With our wide knowledge in housing and financial management, we care about you, who have or facing financing difficulties and even if you just want to keep more of what you earn. We provide the needed counseling and financial help that is within our reach. In addition , we educate you on how to live within their your means and hence preserve and improve your financial future. We are experienced in most all financial matters we are available to help guide you through the land mines you may be facing in your financial life.

Specific to your home, we provide the following housing counseling services:

• Pre-foreclosure counseling.

For those who may be wondering how they will make their home loan, or mortgage payment and what to do. Homeowners facing this will be educated and advised about the options that are available. Learning what your rights are as well as the lenders. Our through analysis of your situation will help you gain confidence that you can make it through this and with the knowledge you will have a action plan will be developed for you to follow, as we walk with through this very difficult time. Our services in this category are free to such homeowners. We dedicate our resources and counselors to assist you in keeping in your home, making changes or modifying your loan, letting your home go, all the while giving you the information you need to make the best informed decision for you and your financial future.

• Pre-purchase counseling.

For those who are looking to buy home and want to be educated about the process so to make the best decisions for themselves while purchasing a home. We teach, guide and provide you with information on how to make a wise, manageable and clean purchase of a home. Including reviewing the documents that are used in a real estate transaction. Our counselors do not stop there. Once you make the purchase, we will be available to offer more advice on how to grow your financial future so you will have enough money to live on when you retire.

• Post-purchase counseling.

For those who want follow up ideas and support as how to manage and maintain ones money as it relates to a home and making sure they in a position of the possibility of losing your home. We understand that some homeowners might have problems with refinancing or taking an additional loan, deciding if and when a discussion we will guide you through is. We listen to you and help come up with a plan concerning your financial life.



Gilbert, AZ 85234

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